Thursday, 8 November 2012

Homework in for Friday Nov 9th

As you read The Road you will come across some key episodes......
- coming across the man who has been struck by lightening (pp. 50-53)

'Take a look, the boy said. Yes. Take a look.' they have "taken a look" many times, this expression is clearly one that the man as used often this creates almost a sense of humour or hapnesss, they have been together so long they can experience moments like this

'who is anybody?' this statemeant creates the idea that there is a real lack of identity within the dead world, no one is as they were and no one has the ability to become someone new. within a world where there is no mass civilization there are no jobs or opportunitites to become something so everyone is nothing. The man and the boy are given no name, they are isolated and have no character or distinction. they are just there. all other characters are given no name.

The boy repeats the word 'papa?' he is persistant and it creates a sense of fear and a fast paced atmosphere.

'He's going to die.' this statement is very matter of fact, the man is trying to get the boy to stop moaning, it suggests that the man has been affected by the sight ans his human instincts made him want to help the man, in telling the child that the man is going to die he is also reasuring himself that he wasn't wrong to ignore the man.

'We cant share what we have' this highlights the immense suffering they are experiencing, they need everything they have in order to survive.
'So when are you going to talk to me again?'- the child is being a typical child, stubborn because he wanted to help the man and his papa wouldn't.
This is a key episode as it presents the world they are living in and is the first human (aside from the man and boy) that we are introduced to. It is significant that the first human we meet is dying.

The chapter title would be about identity or emotion. it may also be titled along the lines of 'beyond help' to signify how the 'burned man' couldn't be helped- a symbol of the whole of humanity and the world. past the point of no return. all is lost.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, it is also worth considering the sense that the world it self seems to be against them. It is almost like a vengeful old testament God, attacking nee smoting those who have wronged it.
