Page 62
reference to days passing: 'all day' 'stopping in the afternoon' 'The day seemed almost warm and they slept' 'Something woke him.'
markers in the year: 'almost warm' as close to heat and summer as the book gets.
Page 32
'The nights now only slightly less black' reference to before with the burning people, 'deranged chanting' when everyone was adjusting to the new 'gray' world. The world used to be less dark- link to 'glaucoma' at beginning, the world is slowly dimming and losing sight of goodness.
Page 100
'The woods were getting dark' -night time
Page 91
'after a while' -not specific, time is passing but the man isn't sure how much?
this phrase 'after a while' is repeated throughout the novel usually about the boy falling asleep or changes in the weather.
Page 292
'The days sloughed past uncounted'
sloughed= shed or cast off (Like snake skin)
Each day is the same, there is no action to create memories from therefore each day is forgotten and 'uncounted'
Like your classmates, concise and precise. Well done.