Tolling in the silence the minutes of the earth.
This creates the effect of infinite silence, they are wandering and wandering through endless time. The characters are paying a price, in silence, in endless unchanging time. The themes of suffering and silence is highlighted within this quote.
She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift.
'She' has left without saying goodbye, treating him coldly, this is her 'gift' as it will make it easier for him to forget her and to move on in his life, if she were to say she loved him or touch him he would forever be left missing her, she wanted to leave him with the memory of her unkindness to allow him to think of her only in this way. The quote suggests a depressing story, the woman is going to kill her self this is evident even without reading the book. There was a loving relationship between her and the man, this is clear as she wouldn't need to leave him with a bad image of her if her didn't care for her.
Sarah, tolling is also the noise a bell makes. Is time it self tolling the death knell of life?