Friday, 9 November 2012

the baby on the spit

Page 210-215
Quiet and still- calm before a storm. The calmness creates tension as the book couldn't possible have a scene without some form of death. 'They stood listening.' 'No sound of any kind.'

The man is never completely sure that situations will be safe, 'I think they've gone', he has to take chances in order to survive. They have to be brave and experience awful things to live another week.

'It could be a trap' -The boy is learning, he is growing up and realising the world he "doesn't" exist in (neither of them are alive or exist as the world has ended, event though they aren't dead they are nobody and aren't alive either).

'whatever black thing' in a world where there are no animals and death is everywhere many imags flash through the readers mind, variouscharred limbs become the only possibilities thought of.

'Oh Papa' this made me feel very emotional, I pictured a young boy who had completely given up hope that the world had some good in it. The poor child would have the image of what he had seen in his mind until he ceased to exist.

'He didn't know if he'd ever speak again' the scene before them would be so shocking to see, it would haunt them forever, The image McCarthy created within my mind will never cease to exist


'Where did they find it?' more disgust because as a reader we know where they got it. The woman is esentially a machine, a way of producing food and satisfying the men at the same time. This is humanity presented at it's lowest point throughout the whole book. The destruction of something so pure, the world is most certainly dead, it is at this point that we give up on all life within the book.


  1. Lovely set of responses. The desolation which the young Boy must feel as he witnesses the baby on the spit.

    I also like the way you've begun to consider the woman's role in all this, was she complicit in the plan or a hostage?

  2. No matter how desperate one is it is hard to imagine that you would eat your own child,so perhaps she is a hostage?
    HOWEVER she may have made no connection with the child (unlikely) women would usually feel a bond with every child they have whether she had been raped or given consent.
