Friday, 9 November 2012

5+5=1 Number 2.

1) I have learnt that McCarthy uses short sentences to build tension.
2) I have learnt that assenance and emphasis of vowels is used to help describe settings. (in the grand house with the cellar)
3) I have learnt that the man has purposely kept his child innocent to protect him. He hasn't taught him survial skills because he plans for the child to never be alive after the man dies.
4) I have learnt that the boy has been told he is one of the 'good guys' so he will always keep that in mind and won't lose his humanity. It will keep him from approaching others as everyone else are the bad guys.
5) I have learnt that the reader is made to feel shocked at what humans can turn to when desparate. Cannabalism

Plus Five
Good guys

Equals One
sustain or abandonment
The man and the boy are sustaining humanity the bad guys have given in to savagery due to despair and desparation.

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