Sunday, 18 November 2012

And the boy (may) live happily ever after......

The End.
The ending begins after the man dies on page 300 and is the start of a new story.

The ending starts when the father dies and the father accepts that he is gone, he tells the man that  his father  is dead, 'He died.' this marks the end of thier journey together, however the boys new journey doesn't start until he says goodbye to his father, 'I wont forget', the boy accepts that he has to move on but promises to hold onto his fathers memory. He carries on his own journey when he 'walked back out to the road.'

The book ends when the story is concluded with the discription of the fish.


  1. The boys says "I wont forget", consider how this links to "we forget the things we want to remember and remember the things we want to forget" which the Man says to the boy earlier in the novel.

  2. The boy is constantly more positive than the man throughout the novel perhaps the man is being depressive whereas the boy will concentrate on his good memories. The man's memories he doesn't want to forget are from before the apocalypse whereas the boy's memories are all post apocalypse, the man's memories would be hard to remeber afer years of nothingness with no reminders of how good life was, the world is cruel now and the little reminders of the light are now dark and dead. The boy has experienced only the nothingness and will continue through it, this will be a constant reminder of his memories with the man.
