Sunday, 18 November 2012

Charlie and Lola: 'I'm really ever so not well'

I have this little sister Lola, He said. She is small and very funny. Usually. Today Lola has a cold. Then he walked into the bedroom and spoke to her.

How are you feeling.
Really ever so not well.
Okay. Mum's given me pink milk for you.

He remembers pink milk is her favourite.

Yuck. It tastes green. I remember when everything tasted yummy.

The girl sat in the bed and sneezed and felt unhappy and looked unwell and wished she was better.

Dad says flowers cheer up little people.
Not this little person.
My nose hurts. I remember doing smelling.

The boy had an idea and stood up and walked closer to her bed and opened his mouth.

Let's sing.
My throat hurts. I sound quiet.
Can you sing?
I can't.

The boy sang. The girl didn't clap.

You're not clapping Lola.
I'm not happy.
It's the germs in your mouth.
Yes. Do you want to see them?

They walk into the bathroom. Look into the mirror. The girl opened her mouth.

Ahhhhh. There must be thousands and hundreds. Charlie.
Count them.

The girl put a finger in her mouth and counted.

One. Two. Three. Twelve. Thirteen. Fifty four billion. A trillion.

The phone rang in the hallway.

That must be Marv.

He steped into the hall of their flat and picked up the phone.

Are you coming to play football, the friend said.
Yes. The girl intterupts.
I told Marv I'm on my way. Mum will play with you.
No. You.
Okay. One jigsaw.
There was a knock at the door. The boy stood and he walked into the hallway and he opened the door.

Come on Charlie, the friend said.
Okay. Aachoo.

The next day the boy felt really not well.

How are you Charlie.
Not well.
Okay. Don't worry. I'm going to be here all day until you're better.

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