Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Just existing.

I'm not sure it is possible to be alive in a dead world.
The man EXISTS he does not live as he experiences no moments of joy, the world around him is dead therefore all life within it is not life but "existing death", bodies that are alive but have no relevance, they were a something when the world was alive, the world is no longer alive so everyone is nothing. Death with legs. The world is dead because no life exists within it, the world is dark because there is no life, removing life from the world is the only way for it to die therefore you cannot be alive in a dead world. this is also proved by humanities lack of respect for life when living in a dead world, humans become monsters like zombies in a  trashy horror film and so are not alive, therefore not alive in a dead world.

He is a glimmer of hope, Godlike.

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea. The difference between existing and living is an important one.
