Friday, 9 November 2012

Homework 2 the cellar.

- finding the cellar of naked and mutilated people (pp. 112-121)
'What if there's someone here' When the boys says this the reader automatically knows that there will be someone there.
'no choice' they are starving and have to find food, as a reader I haven't experienced such hunger but I can imagine they are in great pain and are very weak. DESPARATE.
They enter a large grand house, in a time that isn't post apocalyptic this house would be one of the least likely places to find a cellar of mutilated people, this gives a false impression that they are safe, however in a dead world death is found anywhere and everywhere and the reader is anticipating gore.
The whole house is sagging and slowly melting away, just as humanity is, this slow decay is presented through the emphasis of the vowel 'O' the assenance creates the impression that time is slowing down -'yellowed' 'bowed'
'a great heap of clothing' -why are there so many 'clothes and shoes. Belts. Coats. Blankets and old sleeping bags.' in an ordered pile? Where are the people they belonged to...
Low culture references- The cellar. The reader knows that what is below the house will be a scene from a horror movie or nightmare.
'An ungodly stench' -builds up tension, there has been reference to an awful smell before (bodies in the truck on the bridge) so the reader is waiting for another grusome scene.
Thir cries of 'help us' made me feel uncomfortable as I imagined being chased by half eaten, bloody humans.
This is the sort of scene that stays with you after you read it, the disbelieve at the utter abandonment of humanity and cross to becoming animals. It makes us feel disgusted and we fight the fact that put in a situation where the world as we know it has ended and we are almost the living dead with no identity or reason for existing, just waiting to die, that we may not be any stronger than the 'four bearded men and two women', this is a similar feeling to when reading lord of the flies, a feeling of 'I would not be so weak' but how do we know until put in that situation?

1 comment:

  1. Great linking of this scene to the back of the truck, I'd not remembered that connection. Remember the horror films are The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Dawn Of The Dead by Romero. Context is assessed in the exam so you'll need those details.
