Sunday, 2 December 2012

The 'fun' lesson.

Part 1:
Starts witht the man narrating the dream- The boy leads the man to a safe place but it is not safe as there is a creature there, this foreshaddows as in the novel nowhere is safe, a home is supposed to be a safe place but every house they go into has an element of danger to it.
Camera pans around to show the bleak, dead landscape. 'Barren, silent, Godless'
The boy is asleep and the man watches him.
The boy wakes up- 'Hi Papa'
They walk- get to gas station.
Flashback to uncles farm.
Go to shopping centre.
See the man struck by lightening.
Walk more.
Shoots the roadrat.
Flashback to woman in theatre.

Part 2:
Washes brains from the boys hair.
Stay under the bridge- Flashback to woman when she's pregnant and he fills the bath.
Puts contents of wallet on the floor (letting go)
The man makes a flute- music in a dead, silent world. Carrying the fire.
They see a dog and sleep in a car.
The boy see's a little boy.
The cellar.
Find and sleep in the bunker.

Part 3:
Leave the bunker and know they're being followed.
The viewer see's the people behind them.
They stop for a few days to let the group pass.
The baby on a spit.
The boy can't speak.
Dissapointment at the shore.
Flashback to woman's suicide.
The boat with clothes and a flare gun.
ires the gun- no light.
Cart is stolen- they search, find it and claim vengence.
Walk-Camp-Man dies-Boy let's go and says he won't forget.
The boy becomes the narrator and talks about the fish in the beginning.

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